Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lollapalooza Day 3

And the final day of Lollapalooza 2010 begins. It was a tad bit rainy in Grant Park this morning, but now the sun is shining bright.

Chicago's own, Company Of Thieves helped kick off day three with a very entertaining set at the Sony Bloggie stage. The band did a nice mix of old and new songs in their 45 minute performance.

Blitzen Trapper was on the schedule next, and was a bit ehhh. Not bad, but not excellent either. Much of the guitar and vocal work sounded alike which made it difficult to diiferentiate the various songs.

Hockey is on-stage now playing a very upbeat set that the crowd is actively dancing to. The group, playing their last US show before starting work on a new record, opened the set with the crowd favorite Song Away. Song Away, normally a fast paced tune due to the keyboard was slowed down a bit because of keyboard technical problems. Other than that, these guys are making it even hotter out here than it already is.

Stay tuned for more Straight Lines Music live Lollapalooza updates. Frightened Rabbit, Violent Soho, Wolfmother, MGMT, The National, and Arcade Fire, are all still to come.

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