Violent Soho took to the BMI stage for a loud 45 minute set, that included hit song Jesus Stole My Girlfriend.
Frightened Rabbit is the highlight of day three thus far. The group packed the Sony Bloggie stage with some folks filtering into the street to catch a glimpse of the scotish born folk rockers. Lyrically and musically the group was on for the entire hour long performance. The band was extremely appreciative of the fan support and rewarded them with a truly great performance.
Wolfmother did what Wolfmother does best, and that is hammer away long, hard, and loud on guitars. Nothing too special here aside from Woman, the groups big break song.
MGMT is a phenomenon that I can't fully understand. The band drew thousands upon thousands of people who just about lost their minds during the hour plus show. The group did the fan favorites like Time To Pretend and Kids; but also found time for songs off the new album, Congratulations. No matter what it was, the audience loved it and begged for more.
The National is rocking the Playstation stage at the moment with Arcade Fire waiting in the wings to close the festival down.
Stay tuned to Straight Lines all week long for Lollapalloza updates, reviews, and analysis.
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