Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time to Map Your Lollapalooza Days

With the 2010 Lollapalooza less than a month away it's time to start figuring out which bands you're going to hear (and miss) and how you're going to survive three potentially drop-dead hot days on the lakefront.

You can start by getting the lay of the land, and Lollapalooza helps with that by making available a color map of the event complete with location of sponsored stages and rest areas (like the 93XRT Lounge) and medical facilities. Veterans of the event will note first off that the park area hosting the event has been expanded significantly, reaching across Columbus Drive almost to Michigan Avenue between Jackson and Balbo.
That means the entrance is moved to just off Michigan Avenue, eliminating that extra-long walk across Columbus Drive that just got you as far as the entrance. By the time you reach that same point this year you'll be well into the festival having passed through Green Street and had an opportunity to hear what's happening on the Sony Bloggie Stage on the north side of the expansion or dance away at Perry's on the south side.
With effective scheduling of stages and bands this expansion, hinted at by Lolla organizers for years, should not only thin the crowds at the one or two choke points on the grounds but also should help reduce sound bleed from one stage to another.

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